Emergency Evacuation
The decision to evacuate in the case of an emergency may be made by the primary child care provider or government officials. Our evacuation site is East Hill Elementary located on 9825 S 240th ST Kent,WA98031. There, we will call children’s emergency contacts.
In addition, Jasmin Child Cares keeps and updated record of fire drills, floor plans and follow evacuation procedures outline in (WAC 170-296A-2825)
Disaster Response Plan (WAC 170-296A-2850)
In the case of a disaster of any kind, we have prepared emergency supplies for up to 72 hours. The emergency kit includes:
- Drinking Water
- Non-perishable food
- First-aid supplies
- Flashlights and extra batteries
- Fire extinguisher
- Diapers
- Blankets
- Emergency contact forms
Life Threatening Emergencies
Every effort will be made to ensure the safety of your child, unfortunately, emergencies do happen. In the case of a life threatening emergency 911 will be called immediately, first aid and/or CPR will be administered as appropriate, parents will be notified and emergency will be documented and filed in child’s record. Additionally, we keep all safety equipment in proper working order and complete monthly fire inspections. (WAC 170-296A-3025) (WAC-170-296A-3050)
Emergency Contacts
Yasmina Secca: 253.277.2010
Fire/Ambulance: 911
PoisonControlCenter; 1.800.222.1222
Communicable Disease Report Line: 206.296.4774
Emergency Closures
In the event of an emergency closure, we will update the program’s voice mail at 5:00am with information on delays and closures. For updates, call the primary child care provider and make alternative child care plans.
In addition, the children will practice monthly fire drills, earthquake emergency procedures and evacuation quarterly. Shelving, furniture and heavy objects on high shelves are checked regularly to protect against falling and we continually check and monitor the safety of our program for potential hazards.
All staff is trained with 20 Hour STARS, First/Aid and CPR. Current staff trainings will be kept posted. All efforts are made so that the proper children/staff ratio is maintained as required by licensing to ensure proper supervision of all children. (WAC 170-296A-5600) (WAC 170-296A-5750) Staff and volunteers are regularly observed and attend trainings to strengthen the competence of each staff member.
If the primary child care provider is ill or an emergency occurs, all parents will be notified before business hours or as soon as possible. We will make every effort to plan trainings, classes and orientations on non-business days, however, please check the parent board for in-service days.
Please be advised that the primary child care provider will have one week vacation during the calendar year, 3 in-service days is allowed 4 sick days. Notice will be given each case; please make child care accommodations.
Positive, regular communication in a child’s life benefits everyone involved. At Jasmin Child Care, we will maintain routine communication about what is expected of the participants in our program to avoid misunderstandings. To avoid conflicts, we employ several methods of communication:
- Newsletters
- Observations
- Parent Communication Board
- Phone-Business Hours
Any emergency situation that needs to be discussed should be communicated as soon as possible between families and the child care provider. At Jasmin Child Care, we love for parents to be included in the growth and development of their children while attending daycare. We grant permission for parents and guardians free access to all home areas used by the child during business hours.