Rates are evaluated and may be raised every year on September 1st.
A 2-week notice will be given for rate increases.
If other adjustments are needed, a 2-week notice will be given.
Rates are:
Ages Served | Full time Per week |
Part Time Per day |
Drop-in Per hour |
3 to 12 months | $200.00 | $50.00 | $10.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
12 to 30 months | $175.00 | $40.00 | $10.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
30 months to 5 years | $150.00 | $35.00 | $9.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
Before and After School Care | $120.00 | $30.00 | $8.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
All Day Rates for School Age During Summer and Non-School Days | $150.00 | $30.00 | $8.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
Evenings & Weekends | $100.00 | $50.00 (no more than 5 hours) | $10.00 per hour, no less than 2 hours |
Your contract will specify your child’s days and hours of care.
Definitions – Full Time, Part Time And Drop In
- Washington state law (WAC 388-73-402) states that “Children should not normally remain in care in excess of ten hours per day except as is necessitated by parents’ working hours and travel time to and from the child care facility”.
- Full Time is a maximum of ten (10) hours of care.
- Part Time is a maximum of four (4) hours of care per day or a maximum of 3 days per week
- Drop-in is occasionally.
Payment Plan, Penalties, and Extra Charges
Payment Plan:
Parents are required to pay for the time their children are scheduled to be in care. In other words, parents are paying for a space whether their child is there or not.
Payment for care is due in advance on the first day of the week.
Special payment terms are negotiable on occasion and will be defined in the contract.
If payment is not received by Tuesday 5PM, there will be a $10.00 late fee for each day late.
Delinquent accounts will be turned over to our collection service
Holiday Pay:
Fees are not reduced during months/weeks that have holidays.
Parents/Guardians must communicate to Jasmin Child Care their intent to withdraw their child at least two weeks prior to the child’s last day, however, we do understand that situations may arise that are beyond your control. In those instances, please keep us updated and notify us of any changes regarding your child’s withdrawal from the program. The following are conditions that will cause us to terminate your child’s enrollment:
- Behavior Management that cannot be resolved
- Continuous late pick-ups
- Inability to respect staff, children or other parents/guardians
- Disregard for our policies
- Directly or indirectly threatening a staff member or child
You are required to sign your child in/out each day with full signature and time. Attendance records are kept on file.
Vacations and Absences*
- You are required to give 2 weeks advance notice for vacation.
- I will give you at least 6 week(s) advance notice of my vacation schedule. I will take 2 weeks vacation per year.
- Please call and inform me when your child will not attend due to illness or some other event.
- Please advise me upon enrollment if you plan to remove your child from child care for any length of time (i.e., the summers for school teachers, or when you are on maternity leave with another child, etc.).
Vacation/Absence Pay:
- It is helpful to think of your child care slot as something your purchase each week. It belongs to you whether you use it or not.
- Absences are not refundable.
- If your child is absent for one week without any notification to me, he/she will be automatically dropped, and a re-enrollment fee will be collected before the child will be readmitted. You will also be responsible for any unpaid fee.
Family Discount:
When more than one child from the same family is enrolled, a 10% reduction is given for second and third child.
Payment Penalties:
- No fee for late payment is applied, but if fees remain unpaid after a period of three days, you child will not be admitted until ALL fees are paid in full.
- The penalty for NSF checks is $25.00 plus any bank costs incurred by me.
- Cash payment is required for returned checks.
- You may be put on a cash basis after the second NSF check.